Guest Tutorial #1: Board and p5.js with Tega Brain

This is the first in a new series of guest tutorials!

My first guest is Tega Brain. Tega is an Australian artist, teacher and engineer who gives us a tutorial on environmental sensing and p5.js. In this video, she shows you how to set up a light sensor with a wireless physical computing platform called Particle. She teaches you how to read the data in p5js and make a basic data visualization.

Link to code:

Link to particle website:

Below is a link to the Particle tutorial that’s referred to in this video. This getting started tutorial lists the electronic components you need, shows how to build the circuit, and provides the Particle code that Tega walks through. It’s the section under the subheading “Read your Photoresistor: Function and Variable ” at this link:

Links to videos mentioned in this tutorial:
Playlist on RESTful APIs:
Video on JSON:

For more Guest Tutorials and Interviews:

For more Coding Challenges:

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