How To Get More Traffic To Your Website – How To Promote Your Website And Increase Traffic!

In this video, I will show you the complete marketing guide on how to market your website so you can get more traffic and visitors to your website! If you want to learn how to promote your website and get more visitors, than this marketing tutorial is for you!

First, we will start your SEO campaign for your website. SEO is how your website ranks higher on the search engine so people can find it. This is the first thing you do after creating your website.
This will results in increase traffic for your website
You can hire a freelancer here:
You can learn SEO With This Course Here:

2. Start Your Blog On Your Website, this is how the internet will find you! When people go on the search engine. they are looking for something. Even if you think its not important, it is. People can find your website and learn more about you and your website in the long run. I highly recommend hiring a freelancer or content writer for your website so they can properly write and optimize it for the search engines.

You can hire a content writer here:

3. Social Media is essential for website success! Facebook, Youtube and other platforms help you along the way to drive more traffic and promote your website. Facebook ads can be costly, so try and earn likes and engagement by interacting or by inviting them by other platforms. Remember, make weekly posts and be consistent with your campaigns, this will help you in the long run!

I do have a full facebook tutorial that you can watch and learn for free here:
I also have a youtube advertising tutorial here:

4. Forums And Facebook Groups is another great way to get traffic. Remember, be helpful in these forums and be active. People look up to people that can help them with website issues or problems. I know you can do it!

**Bonus – You can use already established website to gain ranking on your own. Also here is a list of websites that allow guest blogging:

5. Influencer Marketing and Affiliate marketing are also really good and helpful tools. You can use other people to help bring you traffic in exchange for money and commissions.

You can hire an influencer here:

You can also use to verify their traffic and make sure the influencers have good traffic.

To Get Affiliate To Promote Your Products, You can sign up here to offer commissions to affiliates to help get you more traffic as well, Here are some websites that you can sign up for.

6. The Google Display network is a great resource to help you get more visitors across the Internet. You dont need any experience because in this video i show you how to can start your own display network campaign! You can register for adwords here:

If you want to see the CPC by country, you can visit this blog and learn more about it:

I hope this tutorial was helpful and that you can start your marketing campaign for your website. I recommend SEO, Blogging, Social Practices, and the google display network the most. Good luck!

For more tutorials like this or to learn how to make a wordpress website, feel free to visit my website at



