How To Make A WordPress Website 2016

The most effective way to create a website in 2016…

This video is perfect for you if your brad new to creating a website or your a bit more advanced..

I am literally going to take you step by step and hold you by the hand trough this.. so you
will fully understand the nuances and the concepts being taught.

I am going to do my best to really ensure you understand these concepts and are able to apply them with ease!

Just a disclaimer.. some of this might feel a bit uncomfortable or overwhelming..
I fully understand as I start somewhere to…

You made here … That’s Awesome!

So lets press on!

We have some killer goodies to cover..

I promise you if you stick with my through this.. you will have a killer website that is step to drive traffic customers.. and cash flow!


So having said that .. why should you listen to me.. just really quick
I having been building websites for over 7 years now…

I have helped thousands over the years get started online and start making money with there own WordPress website.

Ok.. so lets get straight into it!

Take a look at the site we are building… Its Awesome!

Has a beautiful feel..
Has great user functionality
Is completely mobile responsive… will adjust to any viewing environment..

But most importantly it is conversion focused..
What do I mean by that..

If People leave your Website Knowing Only One thing, What Should it be?

This theme allows for to create a Headline with a Call to Action..
Allowing you to connect immediately with the needs of your audience.

Now here’s something important you need to understand – every company that sells products or services online relies on having a powerful website to reach millions of people with their message and their marketing. And in this video tutorial, I’m going to show you how you can do just that using WordPress – a simple but powerful and intuitive web publishing platform used by millions of businesses worldwide.

WordPress is the exact same tool used by million dollar corporations such as CNN, Forbes, EBay, Sony and many others as well as being used by millions of smaller retailers to reach their customers too!
Now in case you’re wondering more about me,

I’ve spent the last 7 years as an online business building expert helping thousands of people just like you achieve their dreams of starting up online with their very own website!

I’m a firm believer that everyone should be able to get started online quickly, easily and do so for next to nothing – regardless of their ability or skills.

I totally understand and get that there’s nothing more frustrating than trying to start up online and realizing you have to spend a ton of money on tools, software and training just to get started. Not so with this video!

Now unlike other free tutorials out there on how to build websites – and believe me, there’s a ton of those available on youtube – my approach is very different.

Firstly, I don’t expect you to have any technical skills whatsoever, as it can lead to frustration and overwhelm. So all of my tutorials including this one are perfect for you – even if you’re a complete beginner.

Secondly, I don’t just show you how to build a website – I teach you how to build a profitable business online – and that’s a whole different ball game altogether.

Third, I’m a big fan of taking complicated ideas and breaking them down into super-easy baby steps that walk you through the entire process. It’s what my community know and love about my videos, and I hope you will find this useful too!

Finally, as I mentioned earlier, the digital world is always changing, and what worked 6 months ago might not work right now – and this is one of the reasons why I’m constantly creating new tutorials which focus on what’s relevant now – so you’ll always find my tutorials practical and up to date.

So stay tuned and be prepared to be pleasantly surprised at how refreshingly simple it can be to start making money online.
Ok, let’s dive straight in!

Now this video tutorial is based on my proven WTC 3-step system which is designed to be 100% foolproof. I’ll give you a ‘look over my shoulder’ walkthrough of everything you need so you confidently get started online in a snap.

Getting started online consists of just three steps which are as follows:

Step 1 is Picking out and registering your website address which is also known as your domain name

Step 2 is Getting started with wordpress and publishing your first ever website

And step 3 is getting your website online so it can immediately be viewed by visitors on the Internet. startup



