How To Use Parse with Swift and Xcode
Lesson 10
In this lesson, we learn about how Parse handles User Accounts with the PFUser class. You can do login, logout, sign up, forget password and all the features associated with User Account Management.
In this lesson, we go through the documentation to see how signup, login is implemented and in the following lessons, we’ll try it out in Xcode and Swift!
In this series, I’ll show you guys how to leverage Parse in your Xcode projects and apps to save data and media (such as images and sounds) and then to retrieve them through the Parse API.
Parse is a backend as a service that gives your app database abilities without having to manage your own. The free tier is very generous and sufficient for most apps.
Related links:
Xcode project, source code and video download:
Parse Docs
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CodeWithChris is dedicated to teaching beginners and non-programmers all about building iOS apps. On the site, you’ll find a ton of free resources and tutorials to aid you on your journey to learn iOS development. Many people have successfully picked up Swift, Objective-C, Xcode and app building from my course and materials!
Intro & Outro music
“Heartbreaker” by Jahzzar (