TypeScript Tutorial for Angular/React Developers

Learn all about classes, objects, interfaces and other essential object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in TypeScript. These are the essential concepts you should master to build Angular/React applications. This video is part of my COMPLETE ANGULAR course where you’ll learn everything about Angular from the basic to the advanced topics, and finally, you’ll build and deploy a real e-commerce application using Angular 4, Firebase 4 and Bootstrap 4.

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00:41 What is TypeScript?
03:04 Your First TypeScript Program
06:03 Declaring Variables
10:52 Types
16:35 Type Assertions
19:22 Arrow Functions
21:05 Interfaces
24:59 Classes
29:29 Objects
33:36 Constructors
36:27 Access Modifiers
39:23 Access Modifiers in Constructor Parameters
41:04 Properties
46:22 Modules

I have several other courses on web and mobile application development. You can find them all here:

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