Android App Development for Beginners – 74 – LibGDX Game Animation

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27 responses to “Android App Development for Beginners – 74 – LibGDX Game Animation”

  1. Nelson K Avatar

    The speed of my game seems to run completely differently on Android emulator (very fast) vs Android (very slow). Why might that be?

  2. ManaHei Mana Avatar

    I have difficulties in remembering what commands does what and '[]' and {} correct placements as they are never really described anywhere. What are your recommendations to keep these things in the brain?

    I've been studying java (mostly the basic things like booleans, ints, if. do, whiles etc. and little bit about classes also and arrays and they seem pretty straight forward) but the problem occur when the yet easy tutorial videos has these very steep new codes that come with 'classes'. I'm quite a fast learner when given enough time to go trough samey kind of codes, but all shit hit the fan when suddenly you get all the new stuff and the old things becomes less frequent.

    Lol, i was learning alot of java these past 2 days but suddenly when i came to the same obstacle of overhwelmingly much of new code type that i never seen before, is like someone has injected a worm in the brain that sucks all the knownledge you've gained within the past few days, it's quite frustrating. 😀 These videos are still helpfull but i think i have to find a better way of educating myself to learn coding.

  3. braun3812 Avatar

    nice game. currently writing dlc for it.

  4. Doyrd Avatar

    He can't seem to find the 'getKeyFrame'. Some got an idea how to fix this?

  5. Anh Hoang Cong Avatar

    The animation object should be initialized like this:
    private Animation<TextureRegion> animation;

  6. prachit patil Avatar

    hi, can you make a video on how to edit and save image which is pick up from gallery or suggest me? I want to draw on image by finger.Thanks in advance.

  7. Szőcs Árpád Avatar

    If you get the compile error in the newer version of Android Studio at batch.draw(animation.getKeyFrame(timePassed,true),300,500); "Cannot resolve method 'draw(java.lang.Object,int, int)'
    just put a generic type TextureRegion to
    private Animation<TextureRegion> animation;
    and here : animation = new Animation<TextureRegion>(1/3f,shooterAtlas.getRegions());
    After that it should work;

  8. D18rulez Avatar

    Why am I getting this?
    [error] Exception occured: Error packing files.
    I have only png files (10 files) in input folder. and output folder is the assets.
    Where am I going wrong?
    Edit : I changed the height from 1500 to 1000px. And it worked.

  9. rmuchala Avatar

    can't open texturepacker on mac

  10. Mayank Aggarwal Avatar

    From where can I download those pictures to make an animation?

  11. Saba shahrukh Avatar

    I was stuck in this Texture Atlas part for quite some time and was not able to figure out how to create the .atlas file.
    You are the best 🙂

  12. ZEROgringo Avatar

    If the animation seems to bee playing in the wrong order rename all the images in the order you want them to show, something like this: walk_1.png, walk_2.png, walk_3.png…. this way whenever you test out the animation it will follow the order 1, 2, 3, etc.

  13. Kevin Hunter Avatar

    I was able to follow along and implement everything into one of my own projects.

  14. AMD Avatar

    Great Tutorial! But how i select region manualy in atlasTexture's.Because my project have one atlasTexture and every images in it.(sorry for my bad english)

  15. shahid sarwar Avatar

    if u r unable to find the pictures take a screen shot of the screen n crop then 1 by1 accordingly using paint

  16. Trollistan Avatar

    so I work on a project in Eclipse with Libgdx and I made map in Tiled map editor and when I want to import:
    import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMap;
    import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMapTileLayer;
    import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMapTileLayer.Cell;
    import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TmxMapLoader;
    import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.renderers.OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer;
    It doesn't recognise them, any way to fix this? thanks in advance

  17. Eduardo Flores Avatar

    hi!! nice tutorial, but how i can change the bounds of the the textureatlas, i had try with setbounds() or setWidth and setHeight but does methods are not allowed.

  18. Timmy D Avatar

    Where did he get the shooter pics?

  19. Shariq Shah Avatar

    can u shw me ur androidmanifest.xml

  20. Tom Fisher Avatar

    give us the dam images

  21. slayerq3 Avatar

    You forgot to mention that the images in the input directory to be packed, all need to be of the .png format or it doesn't work. Took me a while to figure that out.

  22. Romdoni Agung Purbayanto Avatar

    i cannot run gdx-texturepacker on my mac
    any idea ?

  23. Shaun F Avatar

    +thenewboston HyperSTV is stealing your videos

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