C Programming Tutorial – 10 – Creating a Header File

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33 responses to “C Programming Tutorial – 10 – Creating a Header File”

  1. YOU TUBER'S Avatar

    Hey bucky following you in your c and c++ videos but Wtf man i can understand what you are writting on ur pc . Those text seems too small pls zoom ur screen an then make videos . By the way you are awesome.

  2. TheFefiiiii Avatar


  3. Swankity Dankity Avatar

    so if im 80 i can date a 47 year old? :/

  4. Neiman Paul Maclin Avatar

    HAHA, I love the ending man. Way to make learning to program in a relatable way

  5. Taseen Ahmed Avatar

    This was so painful to hear cuz the girl i like is 16.8 years old and it says i can only date 17.5+

  6. Nidhish Sharma Avatar

    What if it is an odd number, can someone please help. do u change %d to %f since it would be decimal plz halp

  7. ayush gupta Avatar

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "Ayushinfo.h"
    #define MYNAME "AYUSH GUPTA"
    int main()

    int girlsAge = (Age/2)+8;
    printf("%s can date girls %d or older", MYNAME,girlsAge)
    printf("Me name be %s",MYNAME);

    return 0;
    any body tell me why this is not running

  8. Samuel Hamilton Avatar

    Note use common d for define

  9. zed lepplin Avatar

    who came back from lecture 49?

  10. games and thoughts Avatar

    Wtf bro?! Where did u get this weird ass formula from?! U got some serious issues my friend
    U better check this one out

  11. san kitty Avatar

    guys if you are watching this new in the new version it might not work ,all you have to do is create new file instead of new empty file

  12. Kepler Avatar

    Lol I'm 21 years old. It told me I can date girls 17 or over! Rofl.

  13. Amritansh  Sharma Avatar

    Hey bucky i am a fan of your accent ….why dont you do the videos on c graphics now

  14. jobaptist Avatar

    bucky is a homosexual who programs in C and boasts of C++ capabilities

  15. Paramvir Singh Avatar

    whts the difference between variables and include statement? and how they are different?

  16. Rigels Pashollari Avatar

    when do we use %s and when %d ??

  17. Anima Maerens Avatar

    1:06 Grabbing STDs doesn't sound like a good idea 😀

  18. Alksh Avatar

    you are the best bucky

  19. Nosferatu Avatar

    9 am. shit you get up early.

  20. MLGBoy Avatar

    lol, a 100 year-old man should date a 57 year-old girl

  21. Q _ Q Avatar

    When was your birthday?

  22. Christopher Millar Avatar

    I want a tuna sandwitch now :'(

  23. Prabhat Shrestha Avatar

    my management dialogbox diaapered how do i get it back the one from where i click the source code

  24. Jean-Baptiste Lasselle Avatar

    Very good job, you explain really crystal clear notions. It's rare on the web, while I wont glame anyone sharing, since its a gift.

  25. Austin Nguyen Avatar

    How do we save files or create a new ".c" file? instead of using main everytime? thanks

  26. prakhar gahalot Avatar

    You have an amazing accent, it's very easy to understand even by a non native like me ! Thank you for these videos ,sir.

  27. Asfand Ali Avatar

    what the fuck you are mixing things can't understand

  28. Albert Einstein Avatar

    14 / 2 + 7 = 14

  29. TheShekelMaster Avatar

    I'm 14 and I can date girls that are 14, neat.

  30. Elyssae Avatar

    Hello I'm 21 winkwink
    and I just made a code that says I can date boys who are 17 or older I feel gross

  31. mad kobra Avatar

    fuck university and their "memorize for exam and then forget until you get your diploma" bullshit. youtube is much better lol. i love how universities don't raise computer engineers instead they raise people who are good at passing exams of computer engineering classes… i cant wait to enter workforce. i will be so happy compared to school…

  32. Manish Rawat Avatar

    why your videos are unnecessarily longer

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