Django Tutorial 2

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In this part of my Django tutorial we’ll cover a lot. We’ll bind URLs to Functions, Cover Settings, Pass Values from Pages to Functions, Work with Databases, Create Separate Apps in Our Project and much more.

If you missed any of the previous Python videos, the series starts here :

Thank you to Patreon supporters like the following for helping me make this video






26 responses to “Django Tutorial 2”

  1. Raven Claw Avatar

    Before the video I see an ad about a Python course that is focused in machine learning from Udacity, I am thinking about buying it, Udacity is good?

  2. kaushal kumar Avatar

    I have a confusion at 30:43 that choice_set thing

  3. kaushal kumar Avatar

    where was that choice_set field defined?

  4. Abhijeet Singh Avatar

    a revision of official documentation!

  5. Mark Wiygul Avatar

    Question: at 11:30 — I'm confused about how the "max_rand" parameter of the "random_number()" function gets automatically passed into the parenthesis portion of the regular expression. Can someone elaborate more on that part. Thanks very much …and Nice Tutorials!!!

  6. Younes PhD Henni Avatar

    in the cmd of windows I type py instead of python: py runserver.

  7. Waris Rao Avatar

    i am getting thiserror what should i do

    C:Userswarisenv_site1sampsite>python startapp polls
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 8, in <module>
    from import execute_from_command_line
    ImportError: No module named 'django'

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 14, in <module>
    import django
    ImportError: No module named 'django'

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 17, in <module>
    "Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and "
    ImportError: Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you forget to activate a virtual environment?

  8. wezdez Avatar

    Can I use Mongo.db with django?

  9. Stephan Langeveld Avatar

    if someone is running django 1.10 and get stuck with some errors trying to create a url

    from sampsite import views

    url(r'^helloworld/$', views.hello_world, name="hello")

  10. Steven Wang Avatar

    Honestly speaking, I am new to django. I think this django thing is bit interwoven with each of its own strutures and logic that needs a bit more clarification.

  11. Souvik Ray Avatar

    Hey Derek,do I need to install Pycharm Professional edition for django or the community edition works fine?

  12. Timothy Wynne Avatar

    I've not found many videos I would comment on but yours are an exception. As an online student (novice actually), I rely heavily on online resources from people much more learned than I on the topic de jour.
    I found your videos to be very enlightening but also compare it somewhat to drinking from a fire hose. I understand you have a lot to explain over a myriad of subjects and I commend you for it. I thank God for the Pause option so I can take copious notes.
    My current dilemma, with which I am struggling, is with Program Development Frameworks. I would like to see a different take on some ground level explanation of how Django, SQLAlchemy, and Python come together to create something that is usable. I am on a Windows (7 at work and 10 at home) platform and would prefer something specific to those OSs.
    Given the rate and amount of videos you produce across a variety of subjects I would understand completely if you can't fit it into your schedule. At any rate, I will continue to watch because I find your presentations much more helpful than most.
    My hat's off to your current and future efforts.

  13. Radek Lejba Avatar

    Too fast, lacking of explanations. Not a good tutorial to be honest.

  14. Jacob C Avatar

    Hi, Derek, I'm following your django tutorial, but I have a problem while doing the same step. At 30:40 of the video, you enter the method named choice_set.all() and it will return a QuerySet. After doing the same thing, the terminal return an error message saying that there no such table as polls_choice. here a sample of the error:

    … return Database.Cursor.execute(self, query, params)
    django.db.utils.OperationalError: no such table: polls_choice

    with that, I was wondering if I have to create this method inside of the class Question

  15. Samruddhi Patel Avatar

    Hi derek, thanks for the awesome tutorial. I had a question, this might be very silly, but i dont get it. You used q.choice_set.* but we haven't explicitly defined the choice_set function anywhere, then how does django know what we are talking about? i.e, we want a set of all objects of the class choice.

  16. FSHnegativ Avatar

    Hey, do you have any experience in machine learning? A tutorial about machine learning with python would be pretty awesome. Or about the theory behind machine learning models and the different machine learning models.

  17. Jason Cameron Avatar

    how would i change the name of a table i accidentally put question_test and ran the sqlmigrate

  18. Thierry Lalinne Avatar

    You made my day, sir. Your videos are top notch 馃槈

  19. Przemek Lelewski Avatar

    At first : many thanks for Your tutorial.
    I have two problems :
    1. when I write in the PyCharm for example "from django." I have not any promtp and after a full line it works, but I have red line under the "django" "url" etc. I think because django is installed only on the virtual, but I don't know how to fix it
    2. On 22:20 You write "python makemigration pools" – I have a few errors on the virtual machine. I've checked twice new code from a few minutes before and I can't find mistakes.

  20. Michael Williams Avatar

    Any chance for a series on Drupal 8? They've switched to OOP principals and symphony/twig/composer.

  21. nick11927 Avatar

    Nice video this has been useful

  22. William Quan Avatar

    Can you make a video on how to make money from creating websites? Something where you can actually sell and don't have to pay for a web development bootcamp price?

  23. Mirko Cukich Avatar

    Another Awesome Django tutorial. Ty for the post

  24. Mahmudul Haque Avatar

    why used namespace in pools.urlpatterns url() option?

  25. DarkSoldier Avatar

    hello, Thanks for the video, I have just subscribed to your youtube channel, greetings from Guayaquil,Ecuador.

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