Fix Android Fragment Error

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Here I’ll show you how to quickly fix the Android Fragment error that many people are having trouble with. This fix will work with every part of my Android video tutorial.

I have both a video as well as a step-by-step list on how to fix it. While my current Android tutorial is still very current I’m also planning on making another Java Android tutorial very soon. I just wanted to get this quick fix out as soon as possible.






28 responses to “Fix Android Fragment Error”

  1. Taufik masruri Avatar

    helo.. i have same proble abour Placeholderfragment. no any error on gradle building.,,, but app cannot start.

    how to make placeholderfragment.

  2. mirza husovic Avatar

    Hi, Darek. I have problem in, because i have line on ActionBarActivity, i delete that and writte by myself, but line is again there. and when i try to Run it not works. What should i do? Thank you

  3. carl patrick Guerrero Avatar

    What if its says that Building workspace has encountered problem? pls help me how to solve this thankyou.

  4. venkata balasubramanyam Avatar

    Thanks Derek.. this is really helpfulll! 

  5. Gaurav Sharma Avatar

    It showing an error before running 
    saying androidManifest.xml file missing 

    Help me out please!!

  6. Jesus Martinez Avatar

    Cool, thanks for sharing it! 

  7. koala324 Avatar

    Thank You so much I was getting a bit frustrated with the fragment layout problem! 

  8. Pooja B Avatar

    When i run my emulator, all im seeing is a blank screen however long i wait.
    I tried many solutions given in google. My laptop is pretty old, 1 gb RAM, 32-bit Windows 7 OS.
    Can you please help me resolve this?

  9. MilMike Avatar

    there is now an easier way to fix this. In the "Create Activity" screen just select "Empty Activity". It is not in your video but I installed eclipse few days ago and I guess they added this Empty Activity because it was annoying with all this fragment files 😉

  10. Odysseas Hatzopoulos Avatar

    Thanx man great tutorial !!

  11. b3dog1 Avatar

    Why does it create appcompat_v7 whenever I create a project? I looked this up and can't seem to find a good solution to this issue.

    Edit: Do you do this for every new activity you create?

  12. Alex Damiani Avatar

    I was looking at a different tutorial at first and couldn't figure out the error all day yesterday. I give yours a try and sadly it doesn't work either. Then I check the info for your first video and lo and behold you provide another video to explain the exact problem I'm having. Thank you man, and I'm really looking forward to going through all the tutorials.

  13. Tamara Bell Avatar

    Thank you. I don't know what to do with that!

  14. Shakeeb Ayaz Avatar

    after long Android tutorial using java is back ..

  15. Alex King Avatar

    Why isnt my generating anymore?

  16. Kyle Clark Avatar

    I've been going through your tutorials with Android Studio and haven't run into any problems with this. In fact, I made a basic application just now and noticed it doesn't even have a fragment_main.xml under src->res->layout. Just activity_main.xml. Wonder why Eclipse does …

  17. Ameen Sayegh Avatar

    hello derek,

    I have watched a lot of your videos and tracked a lot of your comments and replays on them.
    I have noticed that you are keep doing things and repeat them again and again and again wasting your time in answering things that you have already answered them;
    you can create instead a page in your website for FAQ, one for each series you answer all common questions being asked and direct people to it.
    A lot of questions come to my head before I figure that you have already answered them
    this is just a suggestion 

    thanks for you a lot

  18. James MacDonald Avatar

    Thank you so much Mr. Banas. I've been trying to learn how to develop programs for Android for a couple weeks now and this exact issue was driving me a bit batty.

    I genuinely appreciate all of your efforts to develop these tutorials and keep them updated, especially when you've got no real binding obligation to do so.

    The internet needs more folks like you.

  19. C1aro Avatar

    thank you so very much! just began to study android programming and had the problem i didn't know how to fix in the third video

  20. luong02 Avatar

    I don't know why, but because of their placeholder code, all of my fragment code were being ignored, even though they were loading the right xml layout file that was pointing to the right java file. So I deleted all that placeholder code and edit the main xml file to have a fragment item, the way I was taught in my book to get it working. Similar to how you just comment it all out.

    When I finish my book, I probably go back and learn about the whole placeholder code or watch your video on it. the ctrl+shift+'O' will automatically add/remove the imports you need or don't need into your code. The ctrl+1 shortcut needs improving on, since it automatically adds the require methods needed.

    Would love to see a video tutorial for debugging android code in eclipse IDE.

  21. Melissa Thai Avatar

    Thanks for the tutorial!  

    Here's another thing I found helpful to help deal with the updates: When you create a new Android application – on the part that asks you for the Activity Name, Layout Name, and Fragment Layout Name – simply rename fragment_main to activity_main.  This makes it so that you don't have to copy/paste and then delete fragment_main. 

  22. Derrick Shepherd Avatar

    Thank you for making this video Derek, it helps newbies like me.

  23. Arthur Ivanets Avatar

    Man you are awesome , your tutorials are masterpieces !) Very thankful for every single tutorial that you did!

  24. Michael Walker Avatar

    I wouldn't really call this "fixing" the fragment problem, its just 'ignoring' fragments completely for 'now' (Which I guess does 'fix' it… in your examples) But I feel a good brief explanation of 'why' you are doing what you are doing… (saying that Fragments are a new feature to Android since 3.0+, that allow creation of reusable visual components, but since they are slightly more complicated, and that you'll ignore them for now (for sake of keeping your past tutorials correct), and teach the other core concepts first…) Would be a better approach… Overall you're videos are good, but I feel this was a bit too much 'magic hand waving' lol.

  25. 07towers8 Avatar

    The quality of a good teacher is one who is prepared to maintain and adjust their lessons later on when things have changed. Thanks for the video. 

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