Java Programming Tutorial – 33 – Multidimensional Arrays

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43 responses to “Java Programming Tutorial – 33 – Multidimensional Arrays”

  1. Muhammad Hasan Siddiqui Avatar

    I was confused when i learned multidimensional array in my institute, but after watching your tutorial my confusion is gone .. thanks a lot you are the best teacher 😀 (Y)

  2. Κυριάκος Γεωργαντής Avatar

    I played around with it a bit. Seems you can put as many arrays as you'd like. int gg[][][][][][]; Wow xD

  3. Dino Zunic Avatar

    Check my program for displaying first 100 natural numbers with multidimensional arrays:
    public class apples {
    public static void main(String[] args){
    int array[][] = new int[10][10];
    for(int x = 0; x<10;x++){
    for(int y = 0; y<10;y++){
    array[x][y] = 10*x + y + 1;
    public static void display(int x[][]){
    for(int a = 0;a<10;a++){
    for(int b = 0; b <10; b++){
    System.out.print(x[a][b] + "t");

  4. Storystein Avatar

    I can't stop praising this guy for the best explanation of this type of stuff!

  5. Oussama BenYusef Avatar

    I'm learning more from you than I did from my school. Thanks a million (y)

  6. Totally Anonymous Avatar

    Way ta butcher naming conventions…still great job!!!

  7. Droidz tech Avatar

    so how would the .length function work with this? because i need to know how many arrays are in the first array(X) and the second(Y) how many values in each array for each array.

  8. nabin sademba Avatar

    in 1:37 its firstArray[0][0]= 8 not firstArray[0][1]=8 😛 keep cal and enjoy coding

  9. Jeff Rodriguez Avatar

    Thanks man… appreciate it!

  10. Schrodinger's Cat Avatar

    how can u make a robot that can make a million dollars in the stock market?

  11. April Abatas Avatar

    hi thanks for the patience for explaining everything.. can you please made a program usng array with two Public static aside from main??

  12. Preston Galloway Avatar

    when I saw the multidimensional array at first my brain threw up, then you explained it great just like you always do, now I understand perfectly.
    great vids keep up the great work!

  13. Prince Gupta Avatar

    How do we create a 3 or 4 dimensional array?

  14. Fraxtbate 7 Avatar

    Brilliant explanation! 😀

  15. Goel Avatar

    Did anyone else play around with this as the video was playing and made a program to print the arrays, then got to the end of the vid and realized that that was the next tutorial xD

  16. Mofreh Sarhan Avatar

    Every time I come in youtube mostly I come to see youre videos really good teaching!!

  17. Arohan Mathur Avatar

    for(int column=0;column<x[row].length;column++);

    What do you mean by "x[row]" used in the statement above ?

  18. Ben Kelcher Avatar

    how do i use a variable in there?

  19. Robert John Gajelomo Avatar

    hey dude tnx do my homework your very helpful -.-

  20. RandomBruceTV Avatar

    whats up guys and welcome to 523132 java tutorial

  21. Luis Carlos Avatar

    Every time I come in youtube mostly I come to see youre videos really good teaching!!

  22. robert linke Avatar

    in fact, a multidimensional array, is just an array of array's.
    so if you need to store multiple array's, you use this.

  23. Ming Yan Avatar

    you are wrong, the element in firstArray[0][0] is "8", not [0][1]

  24. Supernova12034 Avatar

    Hey there, great video but you made a mistake….several times you refer to the 8 value as 0,1 when infact it is 0,0…i was confused as i tried coding…but once i changed it to 0,0 it worked fantastically, thanks for an overall great video, it helped me

  25. jonathan ranson Avatar

    Best free java tutorials on the Web 🙂

  26. M Aziz Avatar

    first array element calling started from 0,1…. where as second array 0,0 ?? little confused… 

  27. Harry Wright Avatar

    Do not use four brackets. it will create  a digital black hole, which will suck out zettabytes of the internet.

  28. pop out tuts Avatar

    Even doesn't explain step by step how this guy does

  29. xxBIGBIRDxx Avatar

    How is this useful?

  30. joseph eagan Avatar

    What about inputting and outputting from a 2d array of say [10][10] size and user defined input? Then calling from another java file

  31. engineerEagan Avatar

    What about 2D arrays with user defined input? Say I have a String firstArray[][] = new String [10][10]; this would give me 10 columns with ten rows, how could I get a user string input?

  32. parris compwiz Avatar

    Wha…… Lol I think im in trouble considering im in the Arithmetic phase, wtf linear algebra is light-years away. I AM DOOMED AS A COMPUTER SCIENTIST!

  33. SangoProductions213 Avatar

    also, can you make different length rows only with the curly bracket design?

  34. AlwaysInAtari Avatar

    Hmm, should a 3 dimensional array not be initialized with three square brackets? [][][]. What's the convention?

  35. Andrew Lawe Avatar

    How does the matrices work again. What's the best website to learn the mathematical concepts that are useful for solving programming problems?

  36. clone wolffe Avatar

    Not the most flexible angle of attack. i think I'm going to stick with the books…

  37. imake Logo Avatar

    isn't this matrix?

  38. Adam Badam Avatar

    Definitely better than other videos related to the topic

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