Java Programming Tutorial – 47 – More on Static

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40 responses to “Java Programming Tutorial – 47 – More on Static”

  1. Rhidlor Avatar

    Decent explanation, I learnt what I needed to; thanks!

  2. Yeshna Avatar

    let's go ahead let's go ahead let's go ahead let's go ahead let's go ahead let's go ahead let's go ahead let's go ahead let's go ahead let's go ahead let's go ahead let's go ahead let's go ahead let's go ahead let's go ahead let's go ahead XD XD XD

  3. Enos Vazquez Avatar

    Thanks dude! Your videos always come through!

  4. Crazy Moments Avatar

    bucky why you dont tell us that Megan Fox and Natalie Portman and Taylor Swift was you girl friends ??
    you dont remember them but you remeber julia
    what julia did to you ?!?!?!?!?!?!!?

  5. manu nandhan Avatar

    anyone watching this at 2017 july !? give me a thumbs up!

  6. Jose Mendoza Avatar

    thanks a lot, i had such a hard time understanding this topic but you clarified it better than a college professor and text book

  7. Klson Bob Avatar


  8. quilerking Avatar

    holy shieeeet, that was good

  9. Alexandru Ionita Avatar

    Why is the "main" function "static"?

  10. ihonestytruthful Avatar

    Classes shall be Capitalized brahh!

  11. Akama Avatar

    i've learned more from these tutorials than treehouse coding. That websites suck ass

  12. Anurag Avatar

    One step closer to GUI!

  13. David Keller Avatar

    bucky, you are awesome ! thank you for doing these videos, they are so helpfull!

  14. Yura Er Avatar

    package bucky;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.EnumSet;
    import java.util.Random;
    class apples {
    public static void main(String args[]){
    tuna member1 = new tuna("Megan", "Fox");
    tuna member2 = new tuna("Natalie", "Portman");




  15. RumikXxeno Avatar

    Hey Bucky!
    Your tutorials are really awesome! I have fun learning Java with you and I got addicted to your tutorials :).

    Cheers and thank you from Czech Republic!

  16. Mark Alexa Avatar

    I get so many errors in 46 and 47th tutorial. Bucky gets none of them … how come ….

  17. UniProgrammer Avatar

    "and guess what we're gonna have this one do…return last–oh you guessed that–oh not bad" 0:57
    XD hahaha

  18. quinatu Avatar

    Why does both the variable and the method using the variable need to be static?

  19. sunnyhours84 Avatar

    Hum.. even though he mentions 'tuna.getMembers()' at the end of the video, he still doesn't tell you to avoid accessing a static method from an object of the same class holding that method. I can't come up with any situation where you'd actually want to do this..

    but I'm a OOP newbie, can someone please elaborate??

    You can see that his Eclipse IDE warns about this on line 10.
    A bit confusing. But also very good for learning hahaha, since you have to be on needles when watching these tutorials =)

  20. Max Hart Avatar

    Awesome videos man! Very well explained!

  21. MrDeaz Avatar

    Very well explained, thank you a lot! I've been having problems with understanding what static was doing, and why Netbeans kept suggesting that i should make my methods static

  22. Bod Avatar

    I was confused until i deleted static from my program, and I see that the variable members stays at 1. This can come in very handy!

  23. Neelesh tewani Avatar

    static means a variable that is common for all the other variables in the class and can be used by them also
    !! correct me if i am wrong

  24. John Smith Avatar

    Can it be also shared between CLASSES?

    Is this possible:

    className.staticVariableOfThatClass = toSomething;

  25. Mohamed El Mahdy Avatar

    When to use a static method ?

  26. Adam Sowder Avatar

    queue the jokes about the objectification of women

  27. Kerim Grozny Avatar

    So static variable can be like a counter if i understand correctly

  28. JuiceWater Avatar

    public String getLaid(){
    return OmgYes;

  29. GiraffeKey Avatar

    This concept is hard to wrap my mind around.

  30. john solorzano Avatar

    awesome explanation. "funny" and "clever". Keep it up!

  31. Håkon Hapnes Strand Avatar

    "Forget about all these objects here." Story of my love life.

  32. Said Kerimov Avatar

    This guy has a good sense of humor. Like!

  33. Maksim Novikov Avatar

    thumbs up if you look it ib 2015

  34. Nitish Chauhan Avatar

    Great video btw thanks a lot!

  35. Ishan Patel Avatar

    is it necessary to put static keyword in getMember! I mean why only in getMember and not in getFirst and getLast method? this 2 methods also dont change any values!

  36. TheSlayerRH Avatar

    Is that means that we can also call the "main" method several times because its static?

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