Java Programming Tutorial – 58 – Abstract and Concrete Classes

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36 responses to “Java Programming Tutorial – 58 – Abstract and Concrete Classes”

  1. Micah Edington Avatar

    #ClassWhisperer "Hey tuna you need to override me!"

  2. paolo bergomi Avatar

    I replicate the last comment: Best Teacher in the World!

  3. Lauris .Baumanis Avatar

    I do love how you demonshtrate abshtract concepts.

  4. Kahren1 Avatar

    Thank you, thank you, thank you

  5. Muhammad Asad Avatar

    Sir i have a question.
    Sir as we cant instantiate an abstract class but we can define an array of abstract class ?
    why is this so?

  6. Saurabh Kumar Avatar

    roses are red
    violets are blue
    don't know much about others
    but bucky,how so much awesome are you??

  7. Amit Walia Avatar

    57 and 58 are sooo boring

  8. Guillermo R. Fernandez Avatar

    You explained in this video that we can create objects from any concrete class. I've never seen a class declared as concrete so my question, is there a case where we will need to declare the case as concrete? I'm assuming it's implied by default as concrete. Thanks!

  9. Mason Dyess Avatar

    But why would I make an abstract class with a non abstract method. Also I thought an abstract class MUST contain at least one abstract method. could be wrong on that though

  10. quilerking Avatar

    "I'll let him keep knocking" xD

  11. Antonia Katherina Avatar

    So…you don't need a body? MY GOODNESS! 😛

  12. Jalitha Narthana Avatar

    This helped me a lot. Really impressive. Thanks a lot man. Keep being awesome

  13. Jay Azl Avatar

    hello first off i want to say that this course is absolutely brilliant. However i have a question about those abstract classes.
    why are the methods in the abstract class not protected scope ? Since we want to override it in subclasses it would make sense right ?
    Sorry for my english ..

  14. Christopher Townsel Avatar

    Learned about abstract classes in high school. Never understood it until now.

  15. Tom Moritz Avatar

    "Suuuuper class" :')

  16. Yahya Fakir Avatar

    Bucky explains what is a concrete class and then keeps saying non-abstract class XD

  17. Jammes Avatar

    Can someone explain of what is really the difference of using the keyword abstract in a class and method with interface that implicitly gives the class and methods abstract?

  18. Bruce Chong Avatar

    Best explanation ever!!! =D

  19. Sam Wang Avatar

    Get the door please!

  20. chataolauj Avatar

    Pretty much, abstract classes are "header(s)" from C/C++ and abstract methods are just another way of prototyping from C/C++. Knowing C/C++ made this tutorial easier to understand. I prefer header and prototyping instead of the Java way.

  21. Sophia Żentara Avatar

    So I guess one way of viewing abstract methods is thinking of prototyping in C/C++.
    You're merely creating the prototype of the method, then in your child class(es), you create the actual method bodies. Okay. That makes sense.

  22. muh ar Avatar

    wot is java package is it

  23. Graver Avatar

    So technically you could implement polymorphism into a super class where it builds you a main window and have every other class inherit that window, modifying to their own needs?

  24. Sean J Avatar

    Are abstract methods the same thing as virtual functions in c++?

  25. naser halab Avatar

    man !
    i love your videos 🙂

  26. Muhammad Shoaib Murtaza Avatar

    Food fo = new Tuna();
    is creating object but we can't call eat() method of Tuna class. Then what is the reason to create object of that subclass??

  27. Hari Krishna Avatar

    hey bucky you didn't told about interface please tell me

  28. Martyn Avatar

    Can someone please explain the difference between 
    "food fo = new tuna();"
    "tuna fo = new tuna();"
    where the tuna class is inheriting from the food class?

  29. vljzlj Avatar

    I just love these tutorials, it's SO funny and also very good teaching. I mean he is telling us a story about how two classes are chattin' xD, this guy is a legend! I was laughing so hard xD but that is actaully very good explaining tho 😀

  30. za3zoo31 Avatar

    As usual, Bucky you are awesome 🙂

  31. joseph stanley Avatar

    what if don't declare a method as abstract inside an abstract class would i be able to get access to it?

  32. zadock kipchumba Avatar

    when i try to install eclipse the installation process fails and in return i get a message that says that  the shared library files are missing

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