Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Improve the Environmental Friendliness of Your Office
It is a shame that many businesses are only taking action over reducing their carbon footprint when they are being called out publicly and it starts to have an effect on their bottom line. Nowadays, new businesses are very aware of the effects of public perception regarding this, and take measures to start their business…
What to Consider When Planning Your Next Meeting
Office meetings can be tedious and inefficient especially when they run longer than the scheduled time or turn out to be unnecessary. The best way to avoid situations like this is to plan ahead. Efficiency is key and you don’t want to find yourself having wasted time in a meeting that could have been done…
How to Open Up Your Own Clothing Store
So you’ve come to the decision you’d like to open a clothing store. Whether it’s to sell your own products like t-shirts and raincoats for women, or a variety of brands, you’re going to need to go through a process from conception to implementation. Here are the steps you’ll need to start you own store.…
How Can Your Office Win You Clients?
A serviced-based business knows the importance of winning and of course maintaining, clients. Much of the focus on winning is usually around what they can do for the client’s organisation, but a side that does not get as much attention is what the client sees in their potential provider. Sure, they are able to devise…
How To Make Your Business Attractive To Potential Employees
Since the last financial crisis a little over a decade ago, the employment environment has recovered, and there are a glut of jobs out there for the many students graduating from university. This, however, means that job-hunters are becoming more and more picky, with many comfortable with the idea of working freelance, without the benefits…
How Much New Technology Should A Business Adopt?
The business world is always changing and growing. It responds to the market’s wants and needs, and new and better ways of doing business are constantly being developed. When IBM adopted the personal computer for their banking system, they brought the computer closer to society. This was in 1981, and in 2019 we’re coming up…
3 Reasons to Stay in the UK During Winter
Having spent the majority of my life since birth, in the UK, I am in as good as any position to give you reasons not to stay during winter. However, after spending the most recent few years traveling and working abroad in Asia, I have grown to miss the cold climate and atmosphere that we…
4 Things To Look For In A Raincoat
Now, unless you reside in the desert, to which it’s likely you wouldn’t be reading this right now, you will probably require a raincoat in your wardrobe. While it may not be part of your regular outfit, a good looking, and more importantly performing, raincoat, should be considered an essential. There are heaps of choices…
3 Ways to Make Your Meetings Run Smoothly
Meetings are funny. They rely on an understanding of their purpose and are generally organized with the intention of benefiting those in attendance. Ironically though, the success of a group meeting heavily depends on the individual attendees. Take for example meetings in Western culture: these are usually run with efficiency in mind, and therefore, a…
The 10 Days of JavaScript: Day 2 (Functions)
[ad_1] My full premium JavaScript course will be available soon, subscribe to be notified as soon as it launches. Day 0: Intro Day 1: Getting Started Day 2: Functions Day 3: Objects (coming soon) Day 4: Arrays (coming soon) Day 5: Making Decisions (coming soon) Day 6: Higher-Order Functions Day 7: Returning vs Mutating (coming…
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